Working Group on AI for Biodiversity
Introducing the Working Group

This working group is aimed at promoting and realizing biodiversity through enabling technologies including but not limited to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in general, etc.

The working group is currently mostly working on animal protection, protecting life on land and life below water. The efforts include but not limited to:

(1) Sensing, analyzing, and presenting world biodiversity data and knowledge.

(2) Monitoring, understanding, and protecting wild animals through AI and IoT.

(3) Identifying and avoiding wild animals as pets and playthings.

(4) Using AI and IoT to promote farm animal welfare.

(5) Analyzing and presenting ecological chains and broader relationships among humanity and animals.

Working Group Members:

(Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Tsinghua University, China)
(Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge)
(World Animal Protection)
(The Paulson Institute)
(Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)
(Beijing ZEHO Waterfront Ecological Environment Treatment Co., Ltd.)
(Ant Group Research)
Links to Related Efforts:
Principles on Artificial Intelligence for Biodiversity Conservation Symbiosis Panorama AI4SDGs Think Tank Observatory: AI for Life on Land AI4SDGs Think Tank Observatory: AI for Life below Water